Monday, January 31, 2011

Physical Science 1-31-11

Today we explained terms relating to the light and optics and then performed a lab.  The lab was based on the relationship between object distance and image distance for a plane mirror. Students need to have collected a minimum five different data sets.  If they were unable to obtain the five data sets necessary, they should talk to someone from a different group to get additional data sets.  The homework assigned is to have a graph of the lab data completed for the start of class tomorrow.  Instructions are on the bottom of the lab sheet.

Dale Hallam
Student Teacher
Shiocton Schools

Jan. 31, 2011

Physics: Today we reviewed for tomorrow's Unit 5 Exam. There is no new homework.

AP Chemistry: We finished discussing material from Chapter 12. Tomorrow we will review for the Unit Exam on Chapter 12.

Chemistry: We discussed the quiz from Friday, and then covered how to calculate the empirical formula of a molecule. This was a follow-up to a Lab we did last week, which also had us finding the empirical formula in lab, as any chemist would. We also discussed how to take that formula and also identify the correct chemical formula. At the end of class I assigned WS 2, which is due at the beginning of class. Students are to give their best shot at solving each problem for class, when we will white board and discuss all of the problems.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Physical Science 1-28-11

Today we started part two of chapter 16, electromagnetic waves.  Topics covered included creation of electromagnetic waves by a charged particle, the self-perpetuating nature of electromagnetic waves, and types and properties of waves of different frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.  Students were given class time to begin Unit 16A, light worksheet which is due at class time on Monday.

Dale Hallam
Student Teacher
Shiocton Schools

Jan. 28, 2011

Physics: We went over WS 4 in class today. On Monday we will wrap up reviewing material from this unit, and take the Unit 5 Test on Tuesday.

AP Chemistry: We continued talking about Intermolecular Forces. See yesterday's post for due dates.

Chemistry: We took a quiz on counting by mass. The Empirical Formula Lab is due on Monday.

Mr. Hallam will post the Physical Science post later.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan. 27, 2011

Physics: We spent the hour finishing up WS 4, and then making white boards for tomorrow's discussion. The discussion will last into Monday, and then we will have a Unit Test on Tuesday.

AP Chemistry: We went over the quiz from yesterday, and then began talking about the second part of Chapter 12. Because of the size and content of this chapter, we will be calling Chapter 12 a single unit. As such, we will have a unit exam on Wednesday of next week, which covers both parts of Chapter 12. Homework for Chapter 12 will be due on Wednesday as well. The pre-lab write-up for our next experiment, Liquid Chromatography, is due on Thursday.

Chemistry: We finished collecting data for the Empirical Formula Lab. This is due on Monday. We also discussed some questions about WS 1. I assigned the last of the questions for tomorrow. I will collect WS 1 at the start of class, and then students will be taking a quiz on the material from that assignment.

Physical Science: We took an open-note quiz on Sound and The Ear. Tomorrow we will begin discussing a unit about Light and Color.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jan. 26, 2011

Physics: Today we went over the homework from yesterday, and then I assigned WS 4, which will act as the review assignment for this units test. Problems need to be finished by 8:30 tomorrow, and we will spend the last part of the hour making white boards for class.

AP Chemistry: We took the Chapter12 quiz on the first part of the chapter. Tomorrow we will begin work on the next part of the chapter.

Chemistry: Today we started the Empirical Formula lab, and then worked on WS#1, 1-5. Only those problems are due for class tomorrow.

Physical Science: Today students were instructed on the parts and functions of the ear. They were assigned a WS on the ear, which is due tomorrow. We will also be taking a quiz on everything from this sound unit. It will be an open note quiz, so please make sure that your student has all of their notes up to date.

After this quiz, Mr. Hallam will be taking over instruction of the 6th hour Physical Science class for the remainder of the quarter. He will be posting a separate blog post each day for both Physical Science classes. If you have any questions or concerns for Mr. Hallam, please e-mail both of us. I can be reached at and Mr. Hallam can be reached at

At the completion of the Light Unit, Mr. Hallam will be instructing both 4th and 6th Hour Physical Science.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jan. 25, 2011

Physics: Today we went over how to solve Two-Body problems. I assigned the Atwood's Machine problem for class tomorrow.

AP Chemistry: We worked on homework for tomorrow. We have a quiz on the first part of Chapter 12 tomorrow.

Chemistry: We began discussions on Dimensional Analysis. This is the process of using ratios to change the units of a measurement, and is used to count particles by mass. There is no assignment for tomorrow, but they will get a worksheet in class tomorrow for homework due on Thursday.

Physical Science: In our sound unit today we talked about musical instruments. There is no assignment to go along with this material, but it will be on our quiz which is on Thursday. Tomorrow we will investigate the parts of the ear, and how sound energy is captured and interpreted in order for us to hear things.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan. 24, 2011

One thing that was discussed with most classes today was Engineering Expo 2011. this is an event put on by UW-Madison's College of Engineering every year. If you child is interested in engineering or science/math fields, then have them contact myself or Mr. VanderHeyden for more information.

Here is a link to the site with some stuff to consider:

Physics: Today we got back into the groove of working on Force problems. Each student was assigned 1 problem to work, and share with the class. Tomorrow we will build up to 2-Body force problems.

AP Chemistry: We completed discussion on the first part of Chapter 12. We will work on homework tomorrow. Problems will be due on Wednesday, when we take the quiz.

Chemistry: We discussed the results of our Relative Mass Activity, and introduced the idea of the mole. No homework for tomorrow.

Physical Science: We finished the discussion on sound terms. I then assigned WS 1 for tomorrow.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jan. 21, 2011

Physics: We discussed the results of our Friction Lab. Final write-ups are due on Monday.

AP Chemistry: We continued our discussion on Intermolecular Forces. We will take a quiz on the first part of this chapter next Wednesday.

Chemistry: We continued working on Relative Mass. The activity worksheet form class is due on Monday.

Physical Science: We wrapped up discussion on the Amplifying Sound Activity. We discussed in small and large groups what observations were made, and hypotheses about them. We then started some lecture notes, but did not get to the WS for today. As such, we will wrap up discussion on sound terminology on Monday, and WS 1 will be passed out at that time.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is the video we watched in Chemistry class today.

Jan. 20, 2011

So begins 3rd Quarter, and a whole new schedule. Due to my new class schedule, I will not be able to post the days events until late in the afternoon.

During 3rd Quarter, Dale Hallum from UWGB, will be students teaching with me. He is working on a General Science degree, and will be taking over my Physical Science classes for the next several weeks. Once he begins teaching those courses, Mr. Hallam will be posting the Physical Science lessons each day. If you ever have any questions, please e-mail both of us.

Physics: Today we worked on analyzing data from our Friction Lab. Students needs to get their graphs and line equations written for discussion tomorrow.

AP Chemistry: We spent most of the hour going over the practice AP Exam that we did for finals. Then we started work on Chapter 12, Intermolecular Forces.

Chemistry: Today we began Unit 5, which deals with Counting Particles. For homework, students need to fill in #1 on their Unit 5 Note Sheet.

Physical Science: We did an activity that dealt with amplifying of sound. For homework students are to answer both sets of Follow-Up questions. There is a set of 6 questions on the front of their handouts, and 3 on the back side.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan. 18, 2011

Today was the first day of final exams. Nothing more to report.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan. 17, 2011

Physics: We reviewed for the semester exam.

AP Chemistry: We took part 1 of the AP practice exam. We will take part 2 during finals.

Chemistry: We reviewed for the semester exam.

Physical Science: We had time in class today to work on writing up note sheets for the semester exam.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jan. 12, 2011

Physics: There was no class today due to Reality Check.

AP Chemistry: There was no class today due to Reality Check.

Chemistry: We took the Unit 4 Exam today, and then students picked up the review material for final exams.

Physical Science: Students were assigned the Unit 15 Waves Review for tomorrow. The test will be held on Friday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jan. 11, 2011

Physics: Today we took a quiz, and then continued work on our Friction Lab.

AP Chemistry: We reviewed Chapter's 9 and 10 for the unit exam on Thursday.

Chemistry: Today we went over the Unit 4 Review for the test tomorrow.

Physical Science: Today we completed the Laser Challenge. Tomorrow we will start reviewing for the unit test on Waves.

Final Exams Information

Here is the final exam schedule for my classes.

Tuesday, January 18
5th Hour (8:00 - 9:00) - Physical Science
6th Hour (9:05 - 10:05) - No Class
7th Hour (10:15 - 11:15) - Chemistry
8th Hour (11:20 - 12:20) - Physical Science

Wednesday, January 19
1st Hour (8:00 - 8:58) - Physics
2nd Hour (9:03 - 10:00) - AP Chemistry
3rd Hour (10:10 - 11:08) - Chemistry
4th Hour (11:13 - 12:10) - No Class

*High School students are released at the end of the last final during exams time.

Physics: This will be a comprehensive exam, covering Units 1-4. Students will be allowed a 5 x 3 note card to put kinematic equations on for use during the test.

AP Chemistry: This will be part 2 of a practice AP Exam. The grade for the semester exam will be the mean score of the Unit exams from all of first semester.

Chemistry: This test will be a comprehensive exam, covering Units 1-4 from first semester. The test will be multiple choice, and students will not have any notes or aids (other than a periodic table) to assist them during the test.

Physical Science: This test will cover all of the units from first semester. Students will be given the cover page to the test, on which they might write notes to themselves to help them during the test. The test will be multiple choice, ranging from 70-80 questions (about 10 questions per unit).

Review materials for classes: Students in Physics and AP will not be given a review outline. AP students should look over homework or the "5 Steps to a 5" book they received at the start of the year. Physics students should look over old homework, quizzes, and tests. Physical Science students and Chemistry students will be given outlines of what they should be looking to go over. I hope to have these out tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan. 10, 2011

Physics: We started work on the Friction Lab today. Tomorrow we will take a quiz on Newton's 2nd Law and Kinematic problems. After the quiz, we will continue work on the lab.

AP Chemistry: We took the Ch 10 Quiz today.

Chemistry: I assigned the Unit 4 Review. This review covers conceptual items front he unit, but does not cover naming of ionic compounds and molecular substances. The naming portion will still be a part of the test.

Physical Science: Today we started work on The Laser Challenge. This lab practicum has students designing a network of mirrors in order to get a laser beam to strike a target at a designated spot. This lab will be scored as a test.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jan. 7, 2011

Physics: Todaty we went over WS 2 with great success. On Monday we will be starting a lab about frictional forces.

AP Chemistry: Today we reviewed for our Chapter test next week. We will have the chapter test on Monday, and Unit Exam on Thursday.

Chemistry: We took the naming ions quiz today. After wards the students played an ionic naming game to keep fresh for next weeks unit exam.

Physical Science: We finished looking at wave behaviors today. When we finished, I assigned WS 2 for Monday at the start of the hour. Also, I passed back WS 1, and fix and returns are due by the end of the day on Monday.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jan. 6, 2011

Physics: Today we looked at Force problems that combined our studies of kinematics from earlier in the year. After doing a few problems together in class, I assigned the remaining ones for tomorrow.

AP Chemistry: We completed our look at VSEPR Theory and Molecular Geometry. Tomorrow we will work on homework, and studying for the Quiz on Monday.

Chemistry: today we corrected WS 4, and then students had time to study for tomorrow's quiz.

Physical Science: Today we began a discussion on wave behaviors. We will finish it tomorrow, when I will assign WS 2.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The link to the PhET website was on a post back in August of 2010. Sorry about that.

Jan. 5, 2011

Physics: We completed looking over WS 1. Tomorrow I will be assigning WS 2 for working on in class.

AP Chemistry: We discussed VSEPR Theory. In looking at the geometries of molecules, I gave each student a set of 5 basic structures to use to help with studying. These are to be returned at the completion of the unit. If parts are lost, students were told they would be held accountable.

We will be having the Chapter 10 Quiz next Monday, and the next Unit Exam on Thursday. Also, the Chapter 11 take-home quiz is due on Monday, January 17.

As for the rest of the Semester in AP, students will be taking a practice AP Exam on Monday and Tuesday of finals. The AP Exam is a two part test: multiple choice, and short answer. I will give one part on Monday, and the other on Tuesday. This practice exam will not count towards their semester grade. Instead, the Semester Exam score will be the mean score of all of the unit exams from this semester.

Chemistry: We white boarded and discussed WS 3, and then I assigned WS 4 for review. This is the final preparation for Friday's quiz on the naming of ionic compounds.

Physical Science: We went to the computer lab today to use a computer simulation to observe some of the behaviors of waves. The PhET website (see my post about cool links from back in September 2010) has lots of neat simulations for students to play with. We used the "Wave on a String" Applet to observe the waves in action.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan. 4, 2011

Physics: today we began the hour with taking a quiz based upon the Atwood's Machine Lab we just completed. After that, we began looking at how to find the forces and acceleration of dynamic systems. We will continue this tomorrow.

AP Chemistry: We continued our look at the shapes of molecules.

Chemistry: We spent today furthering our look at ionic compounds, and how we can draw particle diagrams from their empirical formulas. I assigned WS 3, which is due at the start of the hour tomorrow.

Physical Science: Today we began by discussing the results of our Slinky Lab from yesterday. Then we began talking about how compression and transverse waves differ, and the parts that make them up. I then assigned WS 1 for tomorrow.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan. 3, 2011

We are now back from vacation, and with that, the end of the semester is quickly approaching. I will give details about final exams at some point next week.

Physics: Today we discussed the results of our Atwood's Lab from last week. Lab books will be due tomorrow, and we will also be taking a short quiz based upon this lab, and the relationships built from Newton's Second Law of Motion.

AP Chemistry: Today we began discussing shapes of molecules, chapter 10. The chapter quiz will be either Friday or Monday.

Chemistry: Today we went over the assignment from before break, naming of ionic compounds. We also played the game "Go Fish for Ions." This is a card game, similar to "Go Fish!" only using cards with cations and anions on them. It helps students learn how to name ionic compounds.

Physical Science: We did an exploratory lab today called The Slinky Lab. In this lab, students used Slinky's to create different kinds of waves, and then make some observations based upon them. This lab is a lead into our study of the basics of waves, their properties, and behaviors.