Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of School

Here is what to look for tonight:

Physical Science: Today we went over the course policies. Make sure that you go over them with your child, and then sign and date them accordingly. I only require the bottom portion back.

Our first unit of the year covers scientific underpinnings.  This unit will cover basics of what science is all about, measurement, graph making, and graph analysis. Some of these topics will be refresher, but it will certainly take it to a whole new level.

Chemistry: Today we went over the course policies. Make sure that you go over them with your child, and then sign and date them accordingly. I only require the bottom portion back. We also took a Chemistry Concepts exam. This standardized inventory is used to determine the level of understanding of basic chemical concepts. We will be using this same test at the end of the year, to ascertain how much your child's knowledge has grown.

Physics: Due to the morning assembly, Physics did not meet today.

AP Chemistry: Today we went over the course outline, grading, etc. Please review this outline, sign and date, and have your child return it by tomorrow. Also, handouts were given for how to handle lab book entries (for all labs), and also for their homework notebooks.

Each student was also given the textbook Chemsitry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry Exam Review Guide, and AP Lab Manual 2nd Edition. Your child is responsible or taking care of these books, and will be assessed fines if they are not. They should cover the textbook, and keep the other two books at home.

The first set of homework problems is due on Tuesday, September 7, when we take our first quiz. This will cover chapter 1 of the textbook. Students are also encouraged to read through each chapter we study, and utilize the end of chapter resources for doing homework.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Links Galore!

Here are some links to various sites that have neat science stuff.

PhET: Interactive Simulations - A site from the University of Colorado that has fun science applets about all kinds of stuff. I use this in class for various topics.

The Mechanical Universe...and Beyond - This site has streaming video of a classic science series. the videos cover discussions on various topics. You may have to register on the site.

The World of Chemistry - Another set of streaming videos about various topics, this time focused on chemistry.

Physics Applets - More applets that visualize various concepts. I use one of these for our sound unit.

Visual Quantum Mechanics - A site that has applets designed to visualize Quantum Mechanical ideas. Suited best to AP Chemistry students.

Physics 2000 - Another site with quantum mechanics topics.

General Chemistry Digital Lecture Series - Lecture series put on by Jackson Community College in Michigan. This is a good place if you want another discussion on chemistry material.

Water Quality Activities - Why is this here? I am interested in water science, but sadly don't get enough time to do it in school. This is a resource for some activities and other information.

AP Chemistry Course Homepage - Homepage for the AP Chemistry course. If you are in AP, you should check this out.

Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, Fifth Edition (Silberberg) Student Page - If you are in AP Chemistry, this site has practice quizzes and study materials. Check it out for study help.

Free Graph Paper - This is where I get all of my graph paper, so if you need some at home, print this off. I like 4 squares per inch, black lined.

Monday, August 23, 2010

They Might Be Giants - Roy G Biv

I found this video last spring, and it's pretty addicting. It's mostly for fun, but be careful. You will end up humming it constantly.

New Science Blog!

I have decided for the start of the 2010-2011 school year to pilot using a blog to help keep students, parents, and anyone else, informed of what is going on in class.

This blog will start out as a spot to check what homework is assigned each day, and what you should expect your son/daughter to be bringing home and working on. I will try to let you know through this page when quizzes and tests are coming up, and equally important, what they should be doing over the weekend.

I am also going to try and post interesting things that I find in the world of science. This may be links to professional articles, news articles, videos, etc. Of course, the usefulness of this site is dependent upon who is using it.

If you are interested in following this blog, become a registered follower, or e-mail me and let me know what you think. If the response is good I will be more inclined to keep it going. If it doesn't look like many people are utilizing it, it will probably fade away.

The fastest, and best way to reach me (for any questions or concerns) is by e-mail: tschwall@shiocton.k12.wi.us. I hope to hear from you!