I have decided for the start of the 2010-2011 school year to pilot using a blog to help keep students, parents, and anyone else, informed of what is going on in class.
This blog will start out as a spot to check what homework is assigned each day, and what you should expect your son/daughter to be bringing home and working on. I will try to let you know through this page when quizzes and tests are coming up, and equally important, what they should be doing over the weekend.
I am also going to try and post interesting things that I find in the world of science. This may be links to professional articles, news articles, videos, etc. Of course, the usefulness of this site is dependent upon who is using it.
If you are interested in following this blog, become a registered follower, or e-mail me and let me know what you think. If the response is good I will be more inclined to keep it going. If it doesn't look like many people are utilizing it, it will probably fade away.
The fastest, and best way to reach me (for any questions or concerns) is by e-mail: tschwall@shiocton.k12.wi.us. I hope to hear from you!