Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nov. 4, 2010

Physics: today we went over WS 4 from yesterday. We did not quite finish it, which we will on Monday. We will also begin reviewing for the unit exam at that time.

AP Chemistry: We started the Hess's Law Lab. Data collection and clean-up will be finished on Monday. monday is also the morning for the help session.

Chemistry: We started Unit 3 by talking about the difference between the terms temperature, thermal energy, and heat. They are often used interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. Then we ended the class with a lab, where all we did was collect data. No homework for Monday.

Physical Science: Today we did the Buoyancy Lab. Student had to collect data, and then begin working on post-lab questions. These questions are due at the start of class tomorrow.

*Due to the half day tomorrow, Physics, AP Chem, and 3rd hour Chemistry are not meeting.