We are really crunched for time during 4th quarter. The AP Chemistry Exam is coming up a week earlier than last year, and with Spring Break coming up, the Exam is going to take place BEFORE mid-quarter. As such we will be following the outline below as we get ready for the Exam.
1. April 4-8: We will be discussing CH 20 on Thermodynamics. The homework for this chapter will be due on April 8. The Quiz will be given out on Friday, and collected on Monday.
2. April 11-15: We will be going on CH 21 on Electrochemistry. The homework for this chapter will be due on April 15. The Quiz for Chapter 21 will be collected after Spring Break.
3. For a Unit Exam score for these units: I will be taking the average of the three quizzes this quarter, and using that as the grade.
4. Spring Break: Students are to be reviewing from the 5 Steps to a 5 AP Review book I gave out at the beginning of the year.
5. April 25 to 29: we will be reviewing and working on questions from the 5 Steps review book.
6. Morning of May 2: This is test day. I will hold a review session that morning, time to be determined, so that students can get final questions in before they have to take the AP Exam.
7. After May 2, we will work on AP Labs that we did not get finished prior to the exam.