Physics: Students must have their graphs cut and taped into their lab books for class tomorrow. We will be looking at how to properly analyze a lab and fill out the lab book tomorrow.
AP Chemistry: Today we went over questions on homework. I will collect this homework set next week after we take our unit exam. I also gave out the Quiz originally scheduled for today. this quiz is a take home project, and is due by the end of the day on Friday.
Chemistry: Today we analyzed our results form the Volume Activity. We discussed how to write a proper line equation, in order to develop a mathematical model for a set of data. We then quickly talked about the 5% Rule, and the difference between Directly Proportional and Proportional data.
Physical Science: We looked at the data that we collected on Monday, and looked at issues in taking measurements. We introduced the need for a "Standard" unit of measure, so that all results are very similar. We then also looked at how different devices give different level of precision, which we will use to move forward with our measurement techniques.
I assigned Questions 1-5 from the "Activity #1 WS: Measuring the Measuring Tool." These questions must be done at the start of class tomorrow.