Friday, September 24, 2010

Sept. 24, 2010

Physics: We took a short quiz, and then students were given the review assignment for unit 1. this will be due on Monday, and the Unit Exam will be on Tuesday.

AP Chemistry: Today we took the first unit exam, over chapters 1-2.

Chemistry: Today we took a quiz on scale reading, significant figures, and density. On Monday we will be heading into the end of unit 1, with a series of labs which includes finding the density of a gas. A common misconception is that gases do not have mass or take up space, but we will show that even though gases seem insignificant, they do in fact have mass and take up space.

Physical Science: Today we continued on our precision in measuring activity. We discussed how measurements include all known values that the device can tell us, plus on value that is estimate and thus uncertain. Properly done measurements tell us an important factor: to what precision are we sure of our measurements. Precision is a measure of the reproducibility of a measurement, and the better the device, the more precise the measurement. Precision is an important part of scientific measurements and study.