Physics: On Monday students were to discuss the unit review assignment given to them on Friday. They prepared whiteboards for the force diagram problems, which we discussed today in class. Tuesday, they watched a video. Today we discussed the review assignment in class and took questions. Students were assigned to make their own force problem, complete with solution for class tomorrow. This will eb the final review before the unit test on Friday.
AP Chemistry: On Monday students were to finish their Activity Series lab, which was collected today. On Tuesday, students were assigned a Take-Home Unit Quiz, which is due on January 17. They then were to start reading Chapter 9 for class today. We will be taking the Chapter 9 quiz and collecting homework on Monday. The next lab, which is the Molar volume of a gas will be on Tuesday of next week.
Chemistry: On Monday this classes watched a video. Yesterday, lab groups got together and discussed the lab results from Friday's Sticky Tape Lab. Today we looked at what students had discussed, and follow-ed up with some notes on electrostatic forces in atoms.
Physical Science: On Monday these classes watched a video. On Tuesday, students were to read Chapter 8, Section2 in the text book, and work on Worksheet 2. Also, the section questions were assigned as extra credit. Some students took advantage of this, many did not. The assignment was due at the end of the hour. Today, we did lecture notes on the same section from the book, as students had many questions about this material. I gave them back their Worksheet 2 assignment in case they wanted to make any changes.
A note about commendations and deficiencies: Since I was absent when these were due, only deficiencies were printed off for this quarter. I had them done prior to the weekend. Many students were inline to receive commendations, but I was not able to get them printed. I apologize for this, and if you have any questions, please let me know.