We are nearing the mid way point of 2nd Quarter. As it stands, this blog has been up and running for nearly 3 months. In approximately 90 days, there have been 280 views of this blog. I am trying to decide how many unique individuals are coming to this site.
If you are a parent or a student will you please e-mail me at tschwall@shiocton.k12.wi.us and let me know: How often you use the site, what you like about it, and what you would like to see added (if anything). Thanks for your efforts.
Physics: We did not have class today, as we had a reverse schedule today. The big announcement is that we will not be having the quiz tomorrow. We will take the quiz on Friday.
AP Chemistry: We had a morning study session, to get questions answered for the Unit Exam tomorrow. Chapter 8 homework is due tomorrow as well.
Chemistry: No new homework for tomorrow.
Physical Science: We took the unit test on the Periodic Table. Scores are posted in Skyward. These grades reflect their mid-term grades.